We can change their world. image

We can change their world.

Help us build a well for students just like us!

$1,646 raised

$2,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Stevens Superstars Are World Changers!

UPDATE 8/31/2023: Check out our video!

You can see a video of our well working - click here! Thank you to everyone who made this project possible!!

UPDATE 8/15/2023: Our well is up and running!

Our well is serving an elementary and middle school with many small children, ages 4-14. The school has been purchasing water, which is very costly because most of these children come from rural villages that are not affluent. Now that the school has its own water source on the school property, all of the children are able to have clean, fresh water!

UPDATE 7/3/2023: The well is almost finished!

Once the paint is dry, these students will be able to draw water from the well! They're so excited to have their own water!

**UPDATE 6/22/2023!!**


Our well is being built at Vidya Vikas English Medium School in West Bengal, India. This school has about 300 students, ages 4 to 14 years old. It's really exciting to see them get clean water!!

**UPDATE 6/13/2023!!**


We raised $1,577 from donations in school, and another $65 online, for a grand total of $1,642!

The well we had hoped to help build in Kenya has been slowed down because of some construction challenges, so Student Council has decided to use the funds we raised to build a well in West Bengal, India, instead! Stay tuned to this page over the summer to see our well-building progress!

If you'd like to get e-mail updates about our well project in West Bengal, sign up here!

If you'd like to get regular updates from Fresh Water Friends with organizational information and other well-building projects, click here.

More than 770 million people worldwide do not have access to clean, drinkable water. What water is available is usually muddy, and contaminated by chemical and bacterial runoff. Each day, more than 800 children die from hygiene-related diseases.

WE CAN HELP! We have been learning about water scarcity, and the struggles many people face just to get drinking water - and it isn't even clean! So, our school has partnered with Fresh Water Friends, a 501(c)3 public charity that builds deep water wells in vulnerable villages in India and Africa. Every cup and gallon of change we raise will provide a better future for children - through water! Please help us transform the lives of these kids!

WHAT IS GALLONS OF CHANGE? Gallons of Change is a fundraising program designed for schools and organizations to raise money for clean drinking water. Students are simply encouraged to collect coins for wells in India and Africa! Through Gallons of Change, students work as individuals or as teams to make a real difference. In the past, students have held bake sales, done extra chores, shoveled snow, and brainstormed other creative ways to fundraise.

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Our Student Council is sponsoring the Gallons of Change project beginning March 22, World Water Day! We will have a Gallons of Change jug in each classroom to collect students' contributions. Once our fundraiser is over, we will count the change, and donate it to Fresh Water Friends. They are already doing field surveys to find a village that is excitedly hoping for a clean water well!

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Fresh Water Friends works with Network for Good to process and track donations, so everything you contribute through this page will go to support our Gallons of Change project (and is also tax deductible!). We want to build a well! Depending on depth and geography, a well can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000, so we set a goal of $2,500. We know that by working together, we can do something really amazing for students just like us!