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Be a WellGiver

Your monthly support transforms lives!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Become a WellGiver and Transform Lives

Will you help us bring clean, life-giving water to over a million people?

Empowering Communities, One Well at a Time
Two and a half years ago, we embarked on an audacious mission: to build 1,000 wells in 1,000 villages by 2027, offering the promise of life-giving water to a million people across Africa and South Asia. At the time, the goal seemed distant, but today, we stand on the brink of our 500th well, having already impacted the lives of over 450,000 people.

Breaking the Cycle: The Urgency of Clean Water
Without your help, the dream of providing clean water remains a distant possibility for many villages. The stakes are high—communities are trapped in cycles of thirst, illness, and limited opportunities. But your involvement can change everything.

Make an Impact Every Month
Become a WellGiver, a vital part of our mission. Your monthly contribution provides a steady stream of revenue, empowering us to plan ahead and make timely commitments. Just like individual raindrops form groundwater, your recurring donation constructs wells, delivers water trucks, filtration systems, and supports the dedicated individuals ensuring the flow never stops.

Join the Flow of Change: Be a WellGiver Today
Become a WellGiver today and turn the impossible into reality. Your decision isn't just about giving water; it's about giving life, health, and opportunity. Together, we can flow change, one well at a time.


Q: How does my donation get into the field? Is it going toward actual well-building?

A: Yes! Our goal is that at least 80% of any donation goes toward program - those activities that actually carry out our mission. In this case, that's well-building! If you want to build a well in honor of your family or business, simply email us at Once you've accrued enough to fund a well, we'll allocate it to an area with great need, and get the drilling started!

Q: Can I make a monthly donation toward an existing fundraising team?

A: Sure! As you set up the donation, you'll have an option to credit your donation toward a team. Simply write the name of your preferred team in the blank, and we'll take it from there.

Q; How do you keep track of my donation total?

A: We process our donations through Network for Good's sophisticated donation management software, which allows us to see all donations (past and present). This enables us to know your donation total at a glance.

Q: When will my first donation take place?

A: Your first donation will be withdrawn as soon as you complete the transaction from this page.

Q: Does my recurring gift have an end date?

A: As you set up your recurring gift, you'll have the option to choose an end date. Even if you don't set an end date today, you can always manage your donation later by visiting and logging in with the button in the upper righthand corner.